SFTP Service Now Available

We have added SFTP service to your hosting accounts.

We strongly recommend that anyone using FTP regularly switch to SFTP, as FTP itself is inherently insecure.

You can access the SFTP service by using the hostname sftp.yourdomainname.com and the port 2222. (Replace yourdomainname.com with your domain!)

NOTE: Dreamweaver users, set your FTP hostname to sftp.yourdomainname.com:2222 as there is no option to configure ports

If your domain has not propagated yet, or you have not pointed the registrar to our name servers yet, you can use sftp.s1.nwr1.net and port 2222 to access your account in the interim.

If you do not have a client capable of SFTP, there is a free client available called FileZilla. You can download from http://filezilla-project.org/

As we continue to upgrade the new servers, new services will become available.


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